In the heart of the world where shadows and mystique intertwine, a realm of untamed magic and unfathomable depths awaits your command. Welcome to a land where darkness doesn't merely lurk, but bows before your very will. 

Legends speak of a power long forgotten, a power that shapes reality itself... The Hand of Evil.  You, my intrepid architect, hold the key to this power that can forge dominion over the subterranean realm. Here, in the echoing silence of caverns,  you shalt erect your dominion: a haven for creatures born of nightmares and darkness.

Thou shalt control The Hand of Evil with yer mouse, and explore yer domains with the cursor keys. Harness these arcane powers. Shape the earth, sculpt your destiny, and revel in the wicked joy of Dungeon Building. Your minions are awaiting their dark lord's command, ready to carve their names into history alongside yours. Will you become the feared tyrant of the depths or a cunning architect of malevolence? Your journey into the shadows has begun...

But beware, for as your underworld dominion flourishes, envy and fear will stir above. Surface dwellers, driven by curiosity or conquest, shall amass their forces, determined to breach your defenses and lay claim to the arcane spoils you've amassed.

WARNING:  This is just an early prototype, barely functional... only imps and treasury handling are working at this point... but still under active development


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This is one of my favorite types of games! I am a big fan of Dungeon Keeper 2, for example. Keep up the good work! This could be a really fun game once the bugs are worked out. Let me know if you need any more input.


Thank you! Sure I will… I had this as muy lowrezjam2023 entry, but could not put enough time into it… Time to pull on the brakes and review things to make it flawless… too ambitious for a jam…